What to Consider When Searching for a New Office Space

Mar 20, 2024 | Blog

When you are searching for a new office space, it can be difficult to know what to consider. There are many things that need to be taken into consideration when choosing an office space, and not all of them may seem important at first glance. However, the difference between a good location and a bad one has a huge impact on your business. Let’s dive into the most important aspects to consider when searching for a new office space.

#1 – Flexible Options

With many businesses implementing work-from-home at least some of the time, it’s important to look for an office space that lends itself well to flexible working.

For example, if your staff are only required to be in the office 25-50% of the time, you may want to consider hot desking, and thus look for a space with an open floor plan.

You should also consider quiet work zones for  when staff need to focus, and meeting spaces for when team collaboration is necessary.

If you are not currently working from home, but anticipate that this may be a desirable option in the future, it’s important to find an office space that can easily accommodate this change. Many landlords now offer flexible lease terms that allow businesses to grow into their space, so it’s important to ask about this when looking for a property.

#2 – Location, Location, Location

When searching for an office space, the location is absolutely key. You need to find a space that is easily accessible by both public and private transportation, as well as being in a desirable area. If your business relies on walk-in traffic, you’ll need to be sure that the area is populated with potential customers.

Additionally, it’s important to consider the cost of doing business in the area. For example, if you are in a high-cost city like San Francisco or New York City, your rent will likely be much higher than if you were located in a smaller city.

#3 – A Contingency Plan

No matter how perfect an office space may seem, there is always the potential for something to go wrong. It’s important to have a contingency plan in place should your new office become unavailable or if you outgrow it prematurely.

Some things to consider when making your contingency plan:

  • How much notice will you need to give your landlord if you need to leave
  • Restrictions on what you can do with the space
  • How much will it cost to break your lease or sublease the space?
  • What are the penalties for late payment or nonpayment of rent?

#4 – Plenty of Natural Light

Renting an office space with plenty of natural light will save you serious money on your electricity bill.  A large chunk of commercial electric costs are spent on lighting, so it makes sense to look for an office space with large windows. Natural light also helps to boost staff morale and productivity because it increases levels of serotonin, aka the “happy hormone” that makes us feel calmer and more focused.

#5 – Talk to Your Staff

Last but not least, it’s important to ask your staff what they want when considering a new office space.  After all, they will be the ones spending most of their time there. Ask them about things like:

  • The amount of space they need to feel comfortable
  • What type of environment they would work best in (open plan vs. cubicles)
  • If they would be interested in working from home some days
  • Which amenities are most important to them
  • If they would be interested in hot desking or other flexible options

You don’t have to grant everyone’s wishes, of course, and as a business owner the decision ultimately lies with you. However, it is important to keep your staff happy and demonstrate that you respect their needs. A questionnaire or survey could help you to identify which elements are most important when seeking a new space.


It’s important to weigh all of these factors when choosing an office space, as the wrong decision could have a negative impact on your business. By taking the time to consider all of your options, you can find the perfect office space for your needs.

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